Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Don't Get Your Faith!

Faith, just what is faith?

According to the Wikipedia it is
* To believe without reason:
* Believing impulsively, or believing based upon social traditions or personal hopes
In either case, Faith is based upon the interpretation of the intangible (feelings, emotions, etc.) instead of the physically tangible and is primarily associated with religion in modern times.

"To believe without reason"--there's some really scary words! If we stop using reason we stop being intelligent beings!

I would also define faith as the belief in something in spite of evidence to the contrary. This is why you will never convince some of the religious that evolution is fact even with the evidence everywhere around them.
Faith is a failure to check the facts, a refusal to check the facts. Again, scary words!

Well, hope (a completely different thing) exists for all you atheist nursing students and nurses! We can remain strong in our fact based knowledge that evolution does happen and that an all powerful being is not going to suddenly take an interest in our personal choices. And eventually, religion will either have to get smarter to keep their blind sheep blind or humanity will grow (evolve) out of the need for an imaginary friend to give them comfort when they are unsure of themselves.

Faith, the last frontier to conquer for the human intellect before we can become an integrated society without prejudice.

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