One of the biology study guides, right there in the front of the store, right out on top of the stack, had a section about the cellular and molecular evidence for evolution! I had to buy the guide, even though I am not taking biology.
****Now that I think about it though, why do we have to justify this evidence? Well, I guess scientifically, we should be justifying it, and students should demand justification, as a means of starting to check the facts (we don't have time to go and do all the research for every fact presented to us, we need to learn the material-hopefully not entirely by rote-and do more extensive research later, if we still have questions, don't completely understand the material, it interests us enough to do so, etc.). But I am concerned that we may be spending alot of energy trying to "prove our point" when it doesn't need that much energy to be accepted because of overwhelming evidence that it is true. AND IT JUST MAKES SENSE!
How can anyone, who sees the world as it REALLY is, is in touch with reality, believe that humans, and all other life, sprang into existence suddenly? How can anyone believe there is some uber-complex being that created the world and all life and the entire universe, yet is unwilling to remove evil from this creation to make it a better place? Who would want to worship that being anyway? And if we are so complex that we had to be created by this thing, who created this uber-being? Shouldn't this thing, being complex enough to create us and our universe have to have an even more complex creator? Where does the madness end? Maybe we should be worshiping this creator of the creator? ***k that ***t! If such a being exists, I doubt it would even know we existed or care. Therefore, I say to each uber-being their own, and I will worship (put myself into slavery) nothing for any reason! May lightning strike me now if I am wrong...
The self-deluded wishers of something to take responsibility for their lives (and lack of willpower) make me VERY angry (and you won't like me when I'm angry)!
I wish we could make some sudden huge advances in technology and especially space travel and send them all off to some world of their own, quarantine the place and come back in several centuries after they've all killed each other in their pointless arguments about who's uber-being is the true one. (I'd also like to sterilize them, or make them give their children up for adoption, because their lack of self-responsibility is grounds for charges of child abuse, mental manipulation and brainwashing, etc.-they don't deserve the privilege of raising children.)***
So, to get back to school, we are doing a tiny bit of histology...WOW! Sure wish I could take pictures of some of these beautiful close-up views of what makes up the components of life-the cell. How can anyone think these, with their complex mechanism for maintaining themselves, could possibly have come into existence suddenly? I think about all the tiny steps that were necessary to get to the single cell level and I am just amazed! It takes my breath away that these units of life even exist! Of course they do, because we are here!
It's a miracle! So is smelling dinner when I walk in the house in the evening, despite what my professor says. There's no way diffusion can change my boys to be so thoughtful!
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